martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

Wikinomics:The right person to the right task

The Web 2.0 is mainly about participate rather than be passively receiving information. Customers are not just consumers of content; the new Web is about peering: sharing, socializing, collaborating, and, most of all, creating within loosely connected communities.

We are evolving to mass collaboration economy. A mass cooperation across borders and disciplines, who offers immeasurable opportunities and unconventional ways to generate value. We can peer produce an operating system, an encyclopedia and the media with almost no cost. We achieve public outcomes through loose voluntary associations: peering. Peer action involves freely chosen self-selection and distributed coordination, it mixes elements of hierarchy and self-organization and relies on meritocratic. It is based on individuals and companies employing widely distributed computation and communication technologies.

Peering unleashed a powerful force: a self-fulfilling, virtuous circle of cocreation that hierarchical models are powerless to stop or replicate. With the underlying benefits of endless possibilities for growth, innovation, and diversity.

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