jueves, 18 de octubre de 2007
lunes, 15 de octubre de 2007
Add new value... Evolve to wikiproducts
¿Liberar un poco de información?, ¿que la gente opine?. Aperra a meter a los consumidores en tu negocio, y a darle roles para el desarrollo de productos futuros, mejora el servicio. Entra en el mundo en que tus clientes diseñan tus productos.
Se puede crear valor de una forma distinta, DINAMICA. Una nueva cultura fluye a través de blogs, wikis, podcasts. Una masa que busca diversidad, conectividad social, creatividad, libertad, entretención y velocidad.
Attracting, engaging, and retaining your Stakeholders in an increasingly competitive environment will demand that companies understand "The ability to use wikis will be a required job skill in five years."
E ahí la necesidad de contar con open source software y que gracias a user-friendly editing tools lleguemos a la co creación. Tus productos quieras o no van a ser usados como una base para productos especializados, que es lo buscan tus clientes. Make your products modular, reconfigurable, and editable. Make it easy to remix and share. Haz lo que se llama designing for prosumption. Un gran ejemplo de esto son las bandas que dejan que sus fans remixeen sus canciones; es una gran forma de conectarse con ellos.
Experimentar los beneficios de estas nuevas social-computing technologies, requiere contar con nontraditional workplace. Un logar de trabajo que se parece mas a una banda de jazz, where musicians improvise creatively around an agreed key, melody, and tempo. Un lugar donde el Jefe bloggea o muestra todo lo q hace, para poder mantener a sus empleados alineados, un worplace lleno de transparencia y comentarios, que se adapte rápido y fácilmente.
martes, 2 de octubre de 2007
Something about Wikinomics
The new art and science of wikinomics is based on four powerful new ideas:
openness, There are always more smart people outside your enterprise boundaries than there are inside. By opening everybody wins.
peering, Cocreation, made by a self-selected peer production
sharing, giving information about their IP to everybody
and acting globally. The web is global with lower costs, better innovation, trust and loyalty.
Examples of Wiki communities.
Platforms for Participation or open platforms
Wiki Workplaces
Peer production,
Prosumer communities
and the new Alexandrians.
We're all participating in the rise of a global platform for collaboration that is reorganizing nearly every aspect of human associations.
“We call it the world of "Wikinomics” an increasingly virtual world of knowledge, media, and entertainment; a world girdled by information involving billions of connected individuals; a world where anyone can plug-and-play and where collaboration between diverse entities is the modus operandi of the day.”
Wikinomics:The right person to the right task
The Web 2.0 is mainly about participate rather than be passively receiving information. Customers are not just consumers of content; the new Web is about peering: sharing, socializing, collaborating, and, most of all, creating within loosely connected communities.
We are evolving to mass collaboration economy. A mass cooperation across borders and disciplines, who offers immeasurable opportunities and unconventional ways to generate value. We can peer produce an operating system, an encyclopedia and the media with almost no cost. We achieve public outcomes through loose voluntary associations: peering. Peer action involves freely chosen self-selection and distributed coordination, it mixes elements of hierarchy and self-organization and relies on meritocratic. It is based on individuals and companies employing widely distributed computation and communication technologies.
Peering unleashed a powerful force: a self-fulfilling, virtuous circle of cocreation that hierarchical models are powerless to stop or replicate. With the underlying benefits of endless possibilities for growth, innovation, and diversity.